Thursday, October 9, 2008

42 things I've learned in 42 years:

Hello friends!

As many of you are aware, this has become a tradition in my little myspace space. Although, this year’s list sort of looks like a Paul Harvey monologue rather than a lesson’s learned list, I thought I’d post it nonetheless for any therapeutic value, chuckles, or just to give you the chance to learn from my life experiences. Besides, it’s my birthday and I can be an unsatisfied demanding diva for a day if I want to! Hooray for me and CHEERS to you! I’m off to drink myself silly with a friend!

1. It’s impossible to stop worrying about your kids.

2. Once you’ve given birth to a child you will NEVER be the same person again. If a woman is talking about her child I truly suggest EVERYONE in the room pay attention! IT IS IMPORTANT!!!

3. When your child hurts in any way, you heart aches for them one-hundred times worse.

4. When I hear the words, "You can trust me," I immediately don’t.

5. No matter how much I love someone, if I can’t trust them, there’s no basis for any kind of friendship/relationship. I felt the loss of a great long-term friend recently.

6. The longer I’m alone (a.k.a. independent), the better I get at it.

7. If a guy is more feminine than me, that doesn’t make me "butch;" it simply makes him a fag. No, I am not homophobic; this is just a fact.

8. If it’s snowing like a banchi and the roads are bad, the whole damn state, NOT just schools should close down in an effort to keep people alive.

9. Road rage should be legal as a way of weeding out the weaker drivers. Refer to the above statement; maybe they go hand-in-hand.

10. Just because I’m a feminist and a woman is running for president of ANYTHING, does not mean I have to vote for her.

11. We all believe in something (tangible). Therefore, scientifically speaking (and this is NOT my strong point) nothingness doesn’t exist because in that space there are atoms … yada, yada, yada. So is it really that big of a stretch to believe in God?

12. You can’t prove God doesn’t exist; so don’t strike up this conversation with me.

13. If you believe in God, or your version of some higher power, and you’ve spent any time at all on this planet called Earth, you simply MUST believe in evil.

14. Putting someone on a guilt trip is just WRONG, all the way around. If you care about someone, even a little bit, don’t play the blame game; own your feelings.

15. There are a few people in this world who are simply evil (not mean, cruel, or any other of numerous adjectives).

16. People should REALLY pay attention when their kids talk. Much of the time they make more sense than adults.

17. Using children as leverage after the end of a relationship is just wrong; and as a friend of mine said, "There’s a special place in hell for those people." I believe she’s right.

18. I’ve discovered that the more things change the more they stay the same. Because I’m a woman I am described to the new neighbors as the divorce’ while the divorced guy across the street, even though his girlfriend lives there much of the time is still described as the single guy.

19. If a man needs to have sex at least three to four times per day, every day, he doesn’t need to be in a relationship, he needs to pimp himself out! I don’t care how good looking he is or how good the sex is; I have other things to do.

20. If a man says he doesn’t want to be in a "relationship," he is a "friend," should have no expectations of sex, and has no right to complain that I don’t call him enough.

21. If a guy brings you flowers for every date, that’s nice; BUT, flowers are romantic and he should be able to put forth some other romantic efforts and gestures … even if it’s just conversational.

22. If Utah drivers don’t realize that "parking" your car is a temporary position in which to place it until it is again needed, and therefore box in other "parked" cars, they should have their driver’s licenses taken away (and be expelled from an institution of higher learning????). End of story!

23. If a guy spends the night and he doesn’t drink coffee, it’s just common courtesy that he sit with you in the morning while you drink yours.

24. There are a few nice guys out there; they just always end up being my friends.

25. Men "bitch" just as much as women do! They simply don’t realize it because women don’t stop them to try to fix their problems.

26. My feelings get hurt a lot worse than they used to; which I guess is good. There was a time I didn’t think I had any left.

27. Time is worth a hell of a lot more than money.

28. There’s too little compassion in the world.

29. Buying someone a gift isn’t always a kind gesture. Sometimes they just want you to hold their hand.

30. Just because someone buys you an expensive gift, doesn’t necessarily mean they’re a great person, nor is it an indication of their love for you. Years ago I remember a girl looking at my wedding ring and saying, "Gosh, your husband must really love you!" Today I looked through artful pieces of love my children have made for me over the years. They’re priceless!

31. Just when you think someone has pushed you beyond anger, beyond hatred, past your breaking point, it’s amazing how much more you can still take when the stakes are high.

32. I think I’m at my breaking point with this person.

33. Hate is a real and powerful feeling. It should never be used lightly and can eat you up inside. I hope none of the people I love ever have to feel hate.

34. Although we all have a chance to enter life without damages it usually doesn’t take long before we incur a few bumps and bruises. We’re all slightly damaged.

35. Dating is all about games … waiting the proper amount of days to call, not showing too much interest but enough interest, being available, but not too available. It’s all bullshit really. If you like someone, just be a grown up and tell them.

36. I’m not afraid to admit that I’m lonely. But, I’ve dated my ass off this past year and sadly realize that I enjoy my own company much more than working so very hard to make conversation with men who are inept at communication.

37. America has changed considerably. We’re no longer the loved America; in fact, most people hate us. There’s that word again …

38. I don’t trust the government AT ANY LEVEL!

39. It’s true that people come into your life for a reason or a season; however, very few stay a lifetime …

40. Even relationships that end badly can bring a lot of friends into your life.

41. I’m seriously considering moving.

42. I don’t think I want to learn anything else.

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