Thursday, October 9, 2008

41 things I've learned in 41 years:

1. I've learned that nothing beats when your child looks up at you and says, "I love you Mom," out of the blue. The world actually stops for a minute.

2. I've learned that it's VERY important to like the names you give your children when they're born; because you say them A LOT and they echo in your head … your head … your head!!!

3. I've learned that you do eventually end up sounding like your parents; regardless of all the promises you made to yourself growing up.

4. I've learned that kids can teach you a lot and help you remember some of your innocence, if you can save a little energy and remember to notice.

5. I've learned you never really know how much you're capable of loving until you have children.

6. I've learned that holding one child in each arm as they vomit all over you is God's way of showing you what you're really made of … insert the obvious joke here. LOL! But really ...

7. I've learned that when my kids have toys strung everywhere, I know exactly where NOT to step even when I'm pre-java and that all that really matters is that they're happy.

8. I've learned that life gives you very few "real" friends, so it's important to cherish them.

9. I've learned that when the shit hits the fan you quickly find out who those "real" friends are.

10. I've learned that it's okay to agree to disagree on some things, while other things are just deal breakers because they're illegal, immoral, or just plain wrong in the "Book of Katina".

11. I've learned that being alone and being lonely are not the same thing … you can be lonely when you're with someone and that's the worst kind of lonely there is.

12. I've learned that someone tells you they don't love you anymore, long before they actually tell you they don't love you anymore.

13. I've learned that loving somebody doesn't mean you can live with them and living with them doesn't mean you love them.

14. I've learned that you can love someone forever, through the good times and the all too frequent bad times, bad life choices, and sad experiences.

15. I've learned that it's a really BAD idea to let the electrician decide to have the bathroom light switch tie into the fan and the bathroom outlet???

16. I've learned that fish are dumb. No matter how many times they hit the glass at the top of the tank they don't get concussions, and they never learn. I don't feel guilty flushing them down the toilet anymore.

17. I've learned that arguing with people is like beating your head against a brick wall; the only result is a headache.

18. I've learned that it's okay to say, "I'm sorry, I was wrong," and mean it. It doesn't make you a bad person; it just makes you human.

19. I've learned that it's okay to say, "No, I really can't," when you have too much on your plate. After all, you're the one that will have to pay the therapist!

20. I've learned that if you smile at people it makes you feel good … even when they don't smile back.

21. I've learned that humor really is the best way to deal with things; even if it sometimes sounds jaded, inappropriate, or twisted.

22. I've learned that sometimes you need a good cry and chick flicks are good for that.

23. I've learned to laugh through the tears.

24. I've learned that it always makes me feel better to laugh.

25. I've learned to appreciate silence, birds chirping, children's laugher, and jets flying overhead!

26. I've learned that losing a pet after 16 years is really, really, almost unbearably hard; and that trying to explain what happened to your children is even harder.

27. I've learned that it's okay to still get teary-eyed when I think about it.

28. I've learned that no matter how long I teach, or what age my students may be, I can always learn something from them.

29. I've learned that good kissers are hard to come by.

30. I've learned that a really good kiss just might be the most intimate connection you can have with someone. Sex without kissing is just …. well, sex.

31. I've learned that when my house is clean it feels really good to just sit in it.

32. I've learned that it's NOT okay for MySpace to be showing me as 41 already and if it changes to 42 on my actual birthday I might have a panic attack and recalculate the numbers AGAIN!!!

33. I've learned that if all my blogged poetry suddenly appears in a glittery publication in bookstores near you, I know exactly who stole it!!!

34. I've learned that respect is earned, not given freely. I don't care what your title, job, gender, or other "qualifying" factor is … it's insignificant to me.

35. I've learned you can pay for an education but you can't buy intelligence.

36. I've learned that even though you're wearing bigger shoes, you still feel like a kid when your parents say, "I'm proud of you."

37. I've learned you can respect and support our "troops," and you should; without supporting our "president." My dad didn't want to leave me to go to Vietnam and I'm pretty sure there's an enormous population of children and deployed men and women that cry themselves to sleep each night.

38. I've learned my dad is still my hero, even after I've grown up and seen his faults … I used to think he didn't have any … that's the thing with heroes.

39. I've learned that difficult life experiences can make you a stronger person or just make you jaded. It's really your choice.

40. I've learned to be hopeful, and thankful, and peaceful.

41. I've learned that I still have a lot to learn.

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