Thursday, October 9, 2008

Respect for Women ... Fact or Fiction?

There were two bulletins posted, one called "I cried" and the other "To all the girls." A friend of mine responded to "I cried" with the first comment that follows and originally posted "To all the girls." How can one person have two completely different concepts regarding women, whether it's YOUR mother or a lady that might BE someone's mother? Your opinions are welcome.

I am not going to end this negetively.., you fixed it.., you fixed it in 2007..., You took her to New York to a couple Broadway Shows.., or to the lake.., or decided to start shopping for antiques.., or began scrapbooking.., or you gambled wih her in Tahoe, or Vegas.., or you introduced her to the weekly world of relaxing at Starbucks and just talking over a 4dollar cup of coffee

Splurge! You can do it!

If you love your MOM, repost this bulletin --- The way you think you should.., say what you feel

THEN, at the bottom of the "To all the girls" post:

To every girl that has faith that 'tomorrow will be a better day.'

And it will be.

Just please ask someone else to get you past this time in your life..., keep your sarcasm, and your mistrust hidden from me... And if you can't say anything nice..... you know the rest No offense - just move on to the thousands of men willing to take you because you are so beautiful....

THIS was MY response to him:

I thought guys that loved and respected their mother's would know how to love and respect other women in their lives. But these two perspectives seem contrary.

How can you embrace the love that your mother gave freely and then criticize other woman for giving love freely?

I don't understand ... Conceptually I do, I teach gender differences in my communication classes; but, realistically it just doesn't work.

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