Thursday, October 9, 2008

Women As People Pleasers

As many of you who know me already realize, I'm usually NOT at a loss for words. Nonetheless, the more life I live the more I realize that many things have already been said and it's pointless to recreate genious thoughts. So ... I'm posting several quotes about which I'd love to hear your perspectives!

ENJOY! ... I hope to hear from you!

As women we have more of a tendency to be people pleasers and I know a lot of women who are not vocal about what makes them happy. I was like that in my early twenties, but not anymore.

I know that dance of trying to please a man, trying to guess what they want you to be, and I got really tired of that, really confused, and frustrated. I decided I was sick of trying to figure out what everybody else wanted and should first decide what I want and be honest and not spend all my time guessing.

- Katherine Hiegel

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