Thursday, October 9, 2008


I saw this poster in the hallway at my children's school. It made me wonder if any of us ever receive any formal training on character building. I know we are shaped, molded, and sometimes broken into pieces that come back together to create a slightly different form through life experiences.

I think "character" is the core of who we are. I've met people whose character is strong and unwavering. Unfortunately, I've also met people who seem hollow. How do we help our children build character without trying to protect them to the point that we build a bubble around them to prevent them from falling, breaking, or getting a nick, scratch, or ding along the way that helps them find their strength and learn what they are capable of becoming?

Watch your thoughts;
They become words.
Watch your words;
They become actions.
Watch your actions;
They become habits.
Watch your habits;
They become character.
Watch your character;
It becomes your destiny.
- Anonymous

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